Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day

And look who came to play with us today. Carson!!!!! Carson loves Steve-o, he loves to color, loves to do puzzles, and today I endured 3 minutes outside so they could play with chalk on the back patio. I try to always encourage creativity with the little ones, even if it is only 3 minutes.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Beauty beyond words.

I originally couldnt wait to get to Berkeley. Day one, we stopped in Carpenteria. The next morning we arrived at the most amazing park in Solvang. Nojoqui Falls Park. We saw a deer, there were trees waiting for the boys to climb, and a path that led up to a 164 ft waterfall. It was heaven on earth, and I am so excited I got to share the experience with my sons. They made the trip difficult at times, and other times I felt like I was seeing the world through a childs eyes. They taught me to take my time, be patient, and enjoy the moment.